Tuesday, March 25, 2008

FAAN'S Annual Food Allergy Conference

There's still time for people to hop a plane over to Baltimore, the site of the 15th annual Food Allergy Conference to be held by FAAN, The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network.

Top topic of this year's conference is "Food Allergies: Living and Learning." Is that a press release I see before me?
The Baltimore conference will feature Robert A. Wood, M.D. He is a professor of pediatrics and international health and the director of pediatric allergy and immunology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, as well as the author of Food Allergies for Dummies.

There are even special sessions for teens (ages 11 and up) and nurses at the conference. The teen lunch session will include discussion topics such as school, dating, traveling, and dining out. A concurrent session for parents of teens will enable them to share their experiences, challenges, and strategies for success. Clinical and school-based nurses will meet to discuss topics of professional interest such as schools, elimination diets, and food challenges with leading nurses in food allergy education and research.

The Baltimore conference will be held at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, 300 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.

For more information, please visit FAAN at www.foodallergy.org, www.faankids.org, and www.faanteen.org.

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