Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dairy-Free Chocolate Protein Pudding

I'm a copyright fanatic. Most people don't understand copyright and think that either everything can be freely reprinted or that nothing can be. It's really somewhere in the middle because of a concept called "fair use." Fair use is not defined precisely anywhere in the copyright law, which is why it causes so many problems.

The way I interpret it is that short excepts of articles can be reprinted to make a point, images that were intended to be advertisements of themselves - like book covers or food packages - can be freely used, material put under a Creative Commons license - like anything at Wikipedia - can be reused in its entirety if attribution is given, and press releases are inherently designed to be spread widely.

That's why I don't normally reprint recipes. You can't copyright a list of ingredients or basic instructions but you certainly can copyright expression. Therefore you can rewrite a recipe in your own words but you can't simply copy somebody else's words.

Unless it's been put out in a press release for everyone to use.

And I found one that seems useful for you.

Here's the press release:
Even when you're watching what you eat, you don't have to give up chocolate or dessert! Columbus-based fitness and nutrition trainer Jason Yun offers up a healthy and easy recipe for a delicious protein-filled dessert. You can fix it in your blender or food processor in a matter of minutes to enjoy an indulgent snack you don't have to feel guilty about.

Dairy-Free Chocolate Protein Pudding

1 avocado
1 tsp pure vanilla extract (optional)
A dash of cinnamon
A pinch of Sea salt
3-4 tbsp cocoa powder
1 banana
2 tbsp almond or coconut milk
1 scoop whey protein

Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and the peel. Place it in the blender or food processor along with the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth. Makes 2-3 servings.

To watch Jason Yun make this dessert, visit Yun Training's YouTube channel. The video can be found at this link.

Enjoy a delicious, healthy dessert, and remember to let your nutrition work for you!

Jason Yun is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Sports Nutritionist. He owns Yun Strength and Fitness Systems, LLC, and runs Yun Fitness Boot Camps in Columbus, Ohio.

I am the owner of Yun Strength and Fitness Systems, LLC. I Instruct Fitness Boot Camps for teens and adults in the Greater Columbus, Ohio area. I also teach the 12-week Metabolism Makeover Course. I am a body transformation expert who has helped many people reach their body and health goals. To learn more about me and to pick up a copy of your FREE Fat Loss Starter Kit, please visit the websites:

If you're wondering that I'm mentioning a recipe with whey protein, remember that many whey protein powders (and drink) are lactose-free. If you still have qualms then substitute soy protein powder.

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