Thursday, August 05, 2010

Experts Sort Out the Confusion Over Milk Substitutes

Articles on the many and varied array of milk substitutes and alternatives are a perennial in the newspaper business. But I haven't reported on one in a year, since "Milks" Galore: Soy, Rice, Almond, and Hemp.

Here's one by Betsy Friauf of the McClatchy Newspapers syndicate, found here, that covers even more alternatives (almond, hemp, rice, soy, oat, and coconut, along with real milks, including lactose-free, fat-free, and fortified.

And here's something I love: it gets goat milk right. Wa-hoo!
Dietitian says: Despite claims, it's unlikely to ease intolerance, as goat's milk is nutritionally very similar to cow's milk.

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