Special Diet Meals Available from Disney
The biggest kid-magnet in the universe must be Disney. With 10 million or more kids going through the gates at each Disney resort each year, even a tiny percentage can add up quickly.
Bob Mervine of the Orlando Business Journal reports that Walt Disney World offers a special diets program that can accommodate 15 types of food allergies, kosher meals, and low-sodium meals. The program started in 1993 and now serves 7-8,000 meals a month. You merely request the special meals when making meal reservations.
[Joel Schaefer, manager of the special diets department] works with chefs at each of the hundreds of Disney food locations to provide alternative ingredients that can be used to create allergy-free meals, ranging from soy ice cream to a specially blended batter for the Mickey Mouse-shaped waffles that are a signature breakfast dish.
Disney adds no service fee, even working with families who want to enjoy a buffet by individually preparing the food items the guest selects.
"It's simply a guest service," says Ed Wronski, executive chef for product development in Disney's food and beverage department.
More information about the program is available from All Ears Net.
1. When making an Advance Reservation (1-407-WDW-DINE), alert the Cast Member to your special needs, and they will make a note on the file.
2. Special dietary needs can be accommodated if requested at least 72 hours in advance at 407-WDW-DINE (407-939-3463). [Note: some sites say 24 hours. This site says that the advance time increased in 2005.]
The number at Disneyland is 714-781-DINE (714-781-3463).
At Disneyland Paris call Guest services Tel No: +33- (0)1 60 30 40 50. A food allergies guide is available at:

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