This may not make your day, but mine sure was brightened by the discovery that the Dutch Company Friesland Foods Domo has purchased the domain name and used it to launch the knowledge database about lactose.
It's hard to find a good, compact but comprehensive source of information about lactose. Admittedly is mostly limited to information about lactose's use in pharmaceuticals and to a lesser extent food, but it's a good start even if it is from "a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical lactose."
Want a picture of a lactose molecule?
Aw, cute as a button.
Anyway, did you know that the market for pharmaceutical lactose is now worth over $100 million? That's why you find it in so damn many pills, which collectively - but not individually - can often make life difficult for the lactose intolerant.
An article by Kirsty Barnes on says that:
This website was established especially for companies, universities and authorities involved in studying, processing and registering lactose and although lactose is used in many different industries, especially in food and beverages, this website focuses solely on its pharmaceutical applications.
The new site - - has been launched by Friesland Foods Domo, who said the website “will be updated regularly,” meaning that dedicated lactose followers “will have all the latest information on lactose available at all times.”
The company is the pharmaceutical division of Dutch firm Friesland Foods, who established itself as a large global lactose producer for the nutrition and food industries before moving in to the pharmaceutical lactose market.
The firm now manufactures a wide range of pharmaceutical lactose products for use in tablets, injectables, capsules, sachets, pellets and dry powder inhalers.
As I said, I'm sure few of you will have reason to go to the site very often, but it's one that I'm going to bookmark immediately.

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