Because of spam, I personally moderate all comments left on my blog. However, because of health issues, I will not be able to do so in the future.

If you have a personal question about LI or any related topic you can send me an email at I will try to respond.

Otherwise, this blog is now a legacy site, meaning that I am not updating it any longer. The basic information about LI is still sound. However, product information and weblinks may be out of date.

In addition, my old website, Planet Lactose, has been taken down because of the age of the information. Unfortunately, that means links to the site on this blog will no longer work.

For quick offline reference, you can purchase Planet Lactose: The Best of the Blog as an ebook on or Almost 100,000 words on LI, allergies, milk products, milk-free products, and the genetics of intolerance, along with large helpings of the weirdness that is the Net.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tips on Epipens, Anapens, and Twinjects

Allergists Dr. Andrew Clark and Dr. Shuaib Nasser provided a valuable summary of information on injectable adrenaline devices (IADs) or epinephrine pens, known by the brand names EpiPen and Anapen in the UK and Canada, and EpiPen and Twinject in the US.

Since this is a blog dealing primarily with with milk allergies, the critical point should be made first.

It’s important to know who doesn’t need an IAD. Patients without asthma who have only ever had mild reactions to ingestion of substantial amounts of allergen do not require an IAD. Most children with egg and milk allergy therefore do not need one, as these allergies are usually mild and resolve within two to three years.

Most is not the same as all, obviously, and some children with milk allergies are seriously anaphylactic and need the safety net of such a device.

The rest of their ten points can be found at and is worth taking the time to go through thoroughly if you have any need to know about these invaluable lifesavers.

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