LI Celebrity Alert: Scott Burns
You may know Scott Burns as a producer of the Oscar-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. Sharp-eyed credits-watchers will remember him as a co-writer of the screenplay of The Bourne Ultimatum.
But he has a greater claim to fame - or possibly infamy - than either of those. As Neil Justin writes in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:
After graduating from the University of Minnesota with a degree in English, he went into advertising, a career his father had dabbled in. He made an impression, first in Chicago and then across the country, helping Major League Baseball revitalize its image after the 1994 strike, hiring local musician Leo Kottke to provide voiceovers for a series of Washington Post ads and, most notably, contributing to the team that came up with "Got Milk?" campaign for the California Milk Advisory Board.
That was not Burns' proudest moment. First off, he doesn't believe that milk is all that healthy for adults. Secondly, he's lactose intolerant.
Fortunately, he's kicked the advertising habit for the world of movies.
A film he directed, "PU-239," will debut on Sunday on HBO.

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