Cow's milk protein allergy in children: a practical guide
A review article in a medical journal is one that gives an overview of an entire subject according to the totality of current thinking. They are always useful to read to make sure you've got your facts straight.
One such study, "Cow's milk protein allergy in children: a practical guide," was just published, in English. By Carlo Caffarelli, Francesco Baldi, Barbara Bendandi, Luigi Calzone, Miris Marani, Pamela Pasquinelli, On behalf of Ewgpag
Italian Journal of Pediatrics 2010, 36:5 (15 January 2010).
The full article is available as a pdf on the IJP site.
A summary is found in a press release.
A joint study group on cow's milk allergy was convened by the Emilia-Romagna Working Group for Paediatric Allergy and by the Emilia-Romagna Working Group for Paediatric Gastroenterology (EWGPAG) to focus best practice for diagnosis, management and follow-up of cow's milk allergy in children and to offer a common approach for allergologists, gastroenterologists, general paediatricians and primary care physicians.The report prepared by the study group was discussed by members of Working Groups who met three times in Italy. This guide is the result of a consensus reached in the following areas.
Cow's milk allergy should be suspected in children who have immediate symptoms such as acute urticaria/angioedema, wheezing, rhinitis, dry cough, vomiting, laryngeal edema, acute asthma with severe respiratory distress, anaphylaxis. Late reactions due to cow's milk allergy are atopic dermatitis, chronic diarrhoea, blood in the stools, iron deficiency anaemia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, constipation, chronic vomiting, colic, poor growth (food refusal), enterocolitis syndrome, protein-losing enteropathy with hypoalbuminemia, eosinophilic oesophagogastroenteropathy.

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