Food Pyramids From Around the World
Here's a cool question from the Victoria Advocate.
I recently traveled to Canada and noticed their food pyramid was actually a rainbow. Since you have traveled abroad so much, I was wondering if you know the shapes of other countries pyramids? Also, do you agree with the U.S. food pyramid?
Phylis B. Canion responded:
Israel uses a chalice. Japan arranges their food in the number six to represent the six food groups. Portugal, Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom put their food guides in the shape of a circle. Denmark uses a compass. Hungary uses a house. Mexico uses a plate. China and Korea use a pagoda. Thailand uses an inverted pyramid and the Philippines uses a star. South Africa's food graphic contains the least number of food groups and organizes food in a unique way - according to the food's function in the body.
Group One contains energy foods like maize and grains, Group Two contains body building foods including chicken and beans, and Group Three contains protective foods like fruits and vegetables.
South America does not use a food pyramid. Most other countries have adopted the United States version.

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